
Week 3 Social!

Posted 6y 0mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Deeeee like the river

Evening Paddlers,

Find your best deerstalker and magnifying glass as this weeks social will be a Murder Mystery Night! As everyone has exams, this social will be an early one so that people off campus don't have to leave and can get home at a reasonable time. There will be more details to follow but for now if people could respond to the poll I will post it will really help with the organisation - please only respond if you plan on coming so the number of characters can be determined.

Hope to see you on Thursday!

Your finest social sec, D

Polo Presidential Manifestos

Posted 6y 0mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Josh

Tomorrow evening, the club will be hosting it's most serious of events (definitely not a social in disguise). Elections will once again be hosted in Kelsey's (a fine seat of democracy and definitely not a place of socialising).

The evening starts at 7.30 and the very serious nature of the event requires formal wear. I hope all the budding candidates have prepared a killer joke and an amazing song (anything better than mine is normally a good place to start).


Please take the time to fully read all the manifesto(s) before making your mind up of who to vote for. 

Lara's Manifesto

Both the canoe and canoe polo clubs have had a massive impact on my time here at university. Not only have they introduced me to a new sport, but a whole new community, and basically all of my friends.

I’m running for President of polo because I love the sport and I want to focus on making it more accessible for everyone to join and take part in. I really want to focus on the teamwork aspect of the sport, which I hope to do by adding a ‘session aim’ at the beginning of each session.

I also would love for both clubs to focus more on giving back to the community, which is something that I tried to introduce (rather successfully, if I do say so myself) with the Paddleathon - an event where you guys managed to raise over £1000!

I would love for everyone to be a member of both clubs, so that they can begin to discover the full range of experiences that this rather unusual sport has to offer, focusing on working closely and co-ordinating with the canoe exec to ensure our members can avoid having to choose between the two wherever possible.

I might have failed my first year, but I won’t fail this club!

Canoe President Manifesto's

Posted 6y 0mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Hadyn

Hello All, 

Our yearly elections are nearly upon us, as a reminded we will be holding them in Kelseys from 7pm this Thursday 3rd May (week 2), it's not to late to run for any of the positions just let me know at and prepare your canoe related song and a joke for the night. Also since this is a serious and respectible establishment and ocasion, suit up! The manifestos for people running for President are below, only Pebble (AKA R.O.N) kept to the word limit. 


Mr William Leigh

  • In order to prevent unnecessary faff relating to setting up safety on club trips, all of the club throwlines will be burned. 
  • All current students will be removed from their exec roles, which will instead be populated with old gits. The single exception to this will be the position of coach, which will be decided by a boaterX race down the Fairy Glen in playboats. 
  • Club trip rivers must be at least grade 4, and will ideally contain at least one grade 5 feature. 
  • Next year’s freshers trip will be to the Fairy Glen and Nant Peris, and will be organised by Little Sam. 
  • I will lobby the university to build a grade 5 whitewater course containing multiple siphons as part of the new sports centre. 
  • Any driver who takes club members back to Leam after a pool session instead of going to the pub will be summarily executed. 
  • Portaging is for the weak, and therefore is banned. Anybody who attempts to portage a feature will instead be thrown into it.
  • Instead of the current river group system, club paddling of rivers will take the form of BoaterX. A net will be placed at the bottom to collect any human or plastic debris.
  • Each river trip must contain at least 3 GoPros to capture the resultant carnage.
  • Polo will be abolished. Club polo boats will be disposed of by paddling them down whitewater until they snap in half.
  • The maximum allowable number for an odds on is 5. 
  • The koan will be relocated to its rightful place next to the garage.
  • I will build a wall between the boat storage and exam table storage areas of the garage and make Estates pay for it.
  • Any personal throwlines will only be allowed on club trips if the bag is filled with rocks.
  • We will run a trip to Teifi Tour next year. (Jeff told me that some drunk bloke from Swansea said that he runs it and would allow human pyramids)


Miss Hannah Dell

I’ve loved being a part of canoe this year - both the amazing paddling side of it, and just as importantly the community of it. What I love most about canoe is how friendly and welcoming the atmosphere is, which is something that I really want to make sure stays a core part of the club.

I’ve had an amazing time on all the trips this year; getting to know everyone, paddling new rivers, and learning how to improve my paddling and leadership skills. Peer paddling in particular has really helped me develop as a kayaker, so I want to keep growing that part of the club, perhaps even have more ‘intro to peer paddling’ type trips later in term 2 to give the opportunity to keen beans to really get into the sport.

It’d be great to get the club running harder rivers, so to do this I want to get leaders doing AWWSR, and just continue to train up and encourage people so that they’re not only club members, but part of the wider paddling community.

This year we didn’t just get the freshers rolling, we got the fundraising ball rolling with our insanely successful Paddleathon. I’d like to make this much more of a focus in the club, and aim to have multiple fundraising events for a yearly charity voted on by our members.

If all that’s not enough to convince you - I’m not Will.



No manifesto submitted.  


Thank you for a fantastic and successful year and good luck to everyone running for an exec possition this year. 

Yours in Canoe 

Hadyn and the Outgoing Canoe Exec.


Posted 6y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Liam


With exam season fast approaching, here’s some news to keep your mind off it.

ELECTIONS - On Thursday Week 2 (3rd May) at 19:00 we’ll be holding our annual elections in Kelsey’s! It’s the second event of the year that requires formal wear - so no jeans! We’ll be ordering pizza, getting a bit merry, and then holding our joint elections. For all positions, on the night you must perform a canoe-related song cover and tell a joke. Those intending to run for President must prepare a short manifesto in advance (200 words max) which will be published on the website. If you’re interested in any of the positions, feel free to ask any questions to current members of the exec. For more information about what each role entails, follow this link to the website: Email your intention to run/manifesto to or before Term 3 starts.

CANOE SESSIONS - We have been granted an afternoon session 14:30-15:30 every Tuesday in Term 3, these will be super relaxed so come on down if you need to cool off between exams. Monday and Wednesday sessions will be on as usual (20:30-22:00).

POLO SESSIONS - There will be no session on Friday evenings throughout term 3. Tuesday (20:30-22:00) and Saturday (19:00-21:00) sessions will be running as usual, with the addition of RAGE (more news on this to come…) Due to exams, Wednesday morning ball throwing sessions in Westwood have been cancelled (boo!) although I’m sure you may be able to convince people to attend breakfast...

SOCIALS - As is tradition, we will be returning with a week 1 curry at Dama Dam Mast Balti (formerly Ali’s) in Leam. Usual time (19:30) and, as always, BYOB. Week 2 is obviously elections, and the week 3 social is to be determined by your newly elected social secs! Then, there’ll be a break before we return to Skooldayz on Saturday Week 8 followed by a BBQ and pre-drinks before week 9 Pop! (get your ‘event only’ tickets) Finally, we’ll be hosting Epic Party in week 10 (details to follow).

Paddling Love,

Josh and Hadyin

Term 3 event tickets!

Posted 6y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Tom

Hey, hope everyone is enjoying the easter break ├░┼©╦£Ôé¼

Term 3 event tickets go on sale tomorrow at midday. You will need a week 8 Schooldayz ticket and an 'event only' week 9 POP ticket.

See you all soon,
Tom and Lara x

BUCS Teams 2018

Posted 6y 1mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Ben Ayre

We have been really impressed with everyone’s commitment and improvements over the year and as its now it’s almost time for BUCS and this year’s teams are as follows. All these team are very strong and stand a great chance of going far in the tournament.

Let’s go win us some medals :D

More information will be sent out soon.

A team
1. Tommaso
2. Ben
3. Josh (C)
4. Charlie
5. Nathan
6. Ivan
7. Matt

Ladies Team
1. Charlotte
2. Lara
3. Freya
4. Elsa
5. Hannah
6. Val
7. Jennie (C)

B team
1. Sam
2. Hector
3. Arun
4. Liam
5. Tom Marshall
6. Tom Millward
7. Luke (C)

Canoe Rash Vests

Posted 6y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Ivan

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Canoe Rash Vests!


Canoe have finally organised our very own rash vests (complete with bears!). See the image below for a rough example. Note that the real ones will hopefully be a bit more symmetrical and the red will be the official Warwick Sport Red.


Also note that they should arrive with plenty of time before BUCS.


The cost will be about £20 per rash vest (including VAT, postage & bears).


If you would like to buy one then please fill in the Doodle poll, make sure you put up to three initials you would like along with your name. If you would like to buy more than one or you would like a different size than mentioned in the poll then please let me know.

The website doesn’t offer much advice on sizing but they do say they are tight fitted.


Please be aware that by filling in the poll you have committed to paying.


The deadline for this is Friday at midnight.


Canoe Luv



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rashvest desgin

Laserquest Week 10

Posted 6y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Tom

Hey paddlers,

This weeks social is laserquest in Coventry and things are sure to get competitive so come along for a fun night out.

We will be meeting at spoons in Cov at 18:00 for food before starting laserquest at 19:30. The cost for 3 games should be about £11. If you are gonna come please sign up with the following link so we can book by 11pm tomorrow:

To get to Coventry from leam/campus take the 11 bus

Hope to see you all there,
Lara and Tom x


Posted 6y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Ben Ayre

**BUCS 2017***

On 13-15 April, the mighty Warwick fleet shall descend upon Nottingham to compete in BUCS - the main student polo competition of the year! This Tournament is payed for by the club so there is no cost to you so no excuses not to sign up.

Warwick has been highly successful over the last couple of years and we hope to keep this trend going. Therefore we will be sending the best of the best (of the people who are free on that date). We will be entering an A, Ladies, and B team (and the Old Gits will probably turn up as well). Competition will be fierce so you should all aim to train as hard as possible over the last few weeks of term to impress your captains and win your place in a team.

IF YOU WANT TO BE CONSIDERED FOR SELECTION PLEASE SIGN UP HERE (even if you filled out the previous survery):


There will also be a ref course at the venue, starting early (i.e. don't sign up if you have labs that day) on Friday 13th April. For only £10, you will get a theory qualification (assuming you pass the exam at the end) and for an extra £5 you also get your very own whistle and rule book. You can also get your practical assessment done the next day but people aiming to do that should have done a fair amount of refereeing in club sessions beforehand.



We will be ordering sexy polo shirts (no nipple chafing) to wear when we collect all those medals we are totes going to win. We will send out more details about cost, design, etc. later and you can decide whether you want one (even if you're not going).

Term 2 Nene is live

Posted 6y 2mth ago by Some Old Git
Posted by: Ivan

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Nene sign ups are live!

You can sign up here

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